Publications by Patrick van der Duin by date:
- Van der Duin, P., Trott, P., & Marzi, G. (2024). Tomorrow is already here: Exploring how corporate foresight can contribute to ambidexterity. Strategic Change, Volume33, Issue 3, May 2024, pp.187-200
- Van der Duin, P.A., P. Trott & J.R. Ortt (2024). Failed technology management: introducing ‘future technology myopia’ and how to address it. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.198, 122927
- Van de Mosselaer, F., D. Vanneste & Patrick van der Duin (2023), On the performativity of expectations in participatory spatial planning. A case study on Seelig Park area development in Breda, Planning Theory and Practice, Volume 24, 2023 – Issue 5, Pages 607-620
- Van der Duin, P.A. & D. Snijders (2023). Designing ‘futures studies journeys’. Addressing users of futures studies using a contingency approach, World Futures Review, December 2022
- Patrick van der Duin (2023). Tekort aan technologische kennis bij politici is een risico, Trouw, 14 januari 2023
- Trott, P., D. Baxter, P. Ellwood & P.A. van der Duin (2022). How relevant is stage-gate for today’s new product development?, Prometheus, Vol.38, No.2, June 2022, pp.207-227
- Horizonscan (2022): ‘Bestemming 2050?! Over de wisselwerking tussen technologie en SDG’s’, Patrick van der Duin, Hans Stavleu & Eva Helmond (red.), Den Haag: STT
- Technologie (2022). ‘TechAgenda. Technologische ontwikkelingen met impact op Recht, Veiligheid en Migratie’, lid klankborggroep, reviewer, mede-onderzoeker.
- Rohrbeck, R., I. Kulkov & P.A. van der Duin (2022). FIT for the future? Assessing the anticipatory capabilities of organizations. Anticipation 2022 conference, Arizona State University, November 2022
- Cross-innovation for Rijkswaterstaat (2021): ‘Innovatief recyclen. Kansrijke onderwerpen uit diverse sectoren voor Rijkswaterstaat’, Patrick van der Duin, Hans Stavleu & René Hartman, Den Haag: STT
- Duin, P.A. van der and H. Stavleu (2021). Exploring new normal futures. How might social and psychological factors shape the new normal of post-pandemic society? pp.127-131In: Aftershocks and Opportunities 2. Navigating the next horizon, edited by R. Talwar, S. Wells and A. Whittington, United Kingdom: Fast Future Publishing
- Dutch Doubts and Desires. Monitoring citizen opinions on future and technology, Futures, 124, pp.2-12.
- Den Butter, F, and P.A. van der Duin (2020). Technology, transaction and economic foresight. Developing tendency-based scenarios. Journal of Business & Economic Policy, Vol.7, No.1, pp.52-64
- P.A. van der Duin & J.R. Ortt (2020). Contextual innovation management. Adapting innovation processes to different situations. New York: Routledge
- Post-corona scenario’s (2020): ‘Vier keer Nederland normaal. Vier scenario’s over Nederland na de crisis’, Patrick van der Duin, Jan Nekkers, Hans Stavleu, Ewald Breunesse, Joop de Vries, Freija van Duijne, Michiel de Vries & Jeroen Toet, Den Haag: STT
- On ‘the future of mobility’ for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement (2020): ‘Meer grip op de toekomst. Een verkenning van technologieën en maatschappelijke trends voor innovatiebeleid in mobiliteit’, Patrick van der Duin, Vincent Marchau & Roland Ortt, Den Haag: STT
- Van der Duin, P.A. & A. Ligtvoet (2019). Lines into the future. Exploring how Dutch infrastructure providers organize and manage their foresight processes. Futures, Vol.105, pp.187-198
- Toward “Responsible Foresight”: Developing futures that enable matching future technologies with societal demands. World Futures Review, Vol. 11(1), pp. 69-79
- ‘Nationale Toekomstmonitor 2019. Hoe kijken Nederlanders naar technologie en de toekomst?’, Patrick van der Duin, Dhoya Snijders & Paul Lodder, Den Haag: STT
- Dutch Doubts and Desires. Monitoring citizen opinions on future and technology, Futures, 124, pp.2-12.
- We are the people? Opinions, hopes and fears of Dutch citizens on future and technology. Presentation at ‘Constructing social futures’-conference in Turku, Finland, 13th June 2019
- Defending the Delta: Practices of foresight at Dutch infrastructure providers, pp.71-90. In: Futures thinking and organizational policy. Case studies for managing rapid change in technology, globalization and workforce diversity, edited by D.A. Schreiber and Z. L Berge, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
- Snijders, D., P.A. van der Duin, V. Marchau & G.J. van Doorn (2018). Scenarios for ICT-related education: a qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of Futures Studies, December 2018, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp.13–28
- Duin, P.A. (red). (2018). Perspectieven op de toekomst. Toekomstverkennen door Fontys ACI. Tilburg: Fontys ACI
- Scenario’s for Fontys (2018): ‘Fontys: van snijlijnen naar raakvlakken. Synthese van zes strategische workshops’, Patrick van der Duin & Hans Stavleu, Den Haag: STT/Curiozy
- Evaluatie scenario’s voor gemeente Westland en Provincie Zuid-Holland (2018): Evaluatie ‘Eindverslag scenario’s en opgaven t.b.v. Integrale gebiedsuitwerking Greenport 3.0’
- Duin, P.A. van der & D. Snijders (2018). How the Dutch shape their future.
Governmental planning agencies and advisory think tanks doing foresight in an increasingly uncertain world. Presentation at the ‘Grappling with the future’-conference, Harvard/Boston University, Boston, U.S.A., April 29-30, 2018 - P.A. van der Duin en S. den Hartog (2018). Disruptive futures: Prospects for breakthrough technologies, pp.315-350, in: Agriculture & Food Systems to 2050, edited by R. Serraj & P. Pangali. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
- Duin, P.A. van der en D. Snijders (2018). Inleiding. In: Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de Nederlandse overheid, geredigeerd door P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der en D. Snijders (2018). Toekomstkijken in de breedte: de Horizonscan 2050 van STT. In: Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de Nederlandse overheid, geredigeerd door P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der en D. Snijders (2018). Uitleiding. In: Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de Nederlandse overheid, geredigeerd door P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Snijders, D. & P.A. van der Duin (2017). The future is ours. How Dutch people think about technology and the future, Journalof Futures Studies, Vol. 21. No.4, June 2017, pp.19-36
- Scenario’s voor de Onderwijsraad (2017): Patrick van der Duin & Hans Stavleu (2017), Naar nieuwe comfortzones. Toekomstscenario’s voor ons onderwijs. Den Haag: STT/Curiozy
- Duin, P.A. van der & Liselotte van Beusekom (2017). Zelfportret toekomstverkennen. NGinfra magazine, no.1, March 2017, pp. 12-17
- Duin, P.A. van der, V. Marchau, L. van der Goes, J. Scheerder, R. Hoogerwerf & S. de Wilde (2016). Challenging the future. Implications of the Horizon Scan 2050 for the Dutch Top-Industry innovation policy. Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering, Volume 3, No 1, March 2016, pp.7-27
- Duin, P.A. van der (ed.) (2016). Foresight in organizations. Methods and tools. New York: Routledge
- Managing Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Oxford: Routledge
- Snijders, D. & P.A. van der Duin (2016). Kweekvlees, Big Data – Politiek spreek je uit, NRC Handelsblad, September 27, 2016
- Toekomstonderzoek bij infrabeheerders (project Next Generation Infrastructure II) (2016-107):
- Patrick van der Duin & Andreas Ligtvoet (2016). ´Wetenschappelijke reflectie op het ‘Zelfportret infrabeheerders’’, Delft: NGInfra
- Patrick van der Duin & Andreas Ligtvoet (2016), ‘Rapport Zelfportret toekomstonderzoek bij infrabeheerders’, Delft: NGINFra
- Duin, P.A. van der (2016). Towards quadruple helix?
Introducing the Cyclic Innovation Model. Presentation at the XIV International Triple Helix conference, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-27 September 2016 - Nenciu, G., P.A. van der Duin, M. Janssen, D. Snijders & J. Hulsteijn (2016). Future scenarios of data-driven smart cities. Paper presented virtually at the International Conference on the Perception of Future in Politics, Architecture and Film. Imagining the Future, Istanbul, September 2-3, 2016
- Duin, P.A. van der (2016). The art and science of foresight. Inside the crystal ball (?) Keynote to the 3rd International Conference on Time Perspective in Copenhagen, Denmark on August 16, 2016
- Bouten, R., P.A. van der Duin, V.E, Scholten and R. Verburg. (2016). In search of balance. Managing ambidexterity in a fast growing techno-SME, pp.345-363. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and regional Development. Responsible Entrepreneurship, vision, development and ethics. June 23-24, 2016, Bucharest, Romaniaedited by A. Zbuchea andD. Nikolaidis, June 23-24, 2016, Bucharest, Romania
- Duin, P.A. van der (2016). Andere tijden. In: Verassende vergezichten. Toekomstvisies van professional future strategist (Scouting the future), pp.31-34, edited by Jan Nekkers, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Digitalis
- Scholten, V.E. & P.A. van der Duin (2015). Responsible innovation among academic spin-offs: how responsible practices help developing absorptive capacity. Journal on Chain and Network Science, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1-15
- The Dutch Horizon Scan 2050. Signaling and challenging the future. First conference on Anticipation, Trento, Italy, November 5-7, 2015
- Challenging the future. Implications of the Horizon Scan2050 for Dutch innovation policy. International Conference on Foresight, 22-25 June 2015, Athens, Greece
- Improving future scenario visualisation through transmedia storytelling. Paper presented at the World Conference of Futures Research 2015, 11–12 June 2015, Turku, Finland
- Innovation: a necessary luxury, BOSS Magazine, March 2015, pp.57-60
- Separation of science and religion is good for all of us. Delta, Volume 13, March 16, 2015, p.26
- Duin, P.A. van der (2014). The crystal ball is not a black box. Futures research in scientific and organizational perspective. Journal of Futures Studies, Vol.19, No.2, December 2014, pp.125-134
- Rijkens-Klomp, N. & P. van der Duin (2014). Evaluating local and national public foresight studies from a user perspective, Futures, Vol.59, pp.18-26
- Duin, P.A. van der, T. Heger & M.D. Schlesinger (2014). Toward networked foresight? Exploring the use of futures research in innovation networks, Futures, Vol.59, pp.62-78
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation: introduction to the special issue, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1402001(1-3)
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation: synthesis and future research, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 1440007(1-10)
- Innovating in a government context: an evaluation of a Dutch water program using the Cyclic Innovation Model, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.3, pp.144008(1-22)
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. Shulmeister (2014). Developing local policies for initiating and implementing creative-sector based cross-innovations: Findings from the Amsterdam-region, KIE-conference, Riga, Latvia, July 2014; published in: Creativity in Business, edited by F.K. Reisman, published by KIE Conference Book Series, pp. 212-225
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design-driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation. International Journal of Innovation and technology Management, Vol.11, No. 1 (January 2014)
- The Dutch innovation system: raising the lowland? In: Encyclopedia of technology and innovation management Vol.13, edited by V.K. Narayanan and Gina O’Connor, Chichester: Wiley, 2014 (updated version), Online ISBN: 9781118785317
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & W. Aarts (2013). Contextual innovation management using a stage-gate platform: the case of Philips Shaving and Beauty, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.31. no.3, pp.1-12
- Trott, P., P.A. van der Duin & L. Hartmann (2013). Users as innovators? Exploring the limitations of user-driven innovation, Prometheus, Vol.31, No.2, pp.125-138
- Scenarios on ‘vitality’ for Leyden Academy (2012/2013): Futures of vitality. A trend-analysis and scenario-analysis (May 2013).
- ‘Evaluatie WINN’, een evaluatie van het waterinnovatieprogramma van het RWS: ‘Innoveren in de praktijk. Een evaluatie van het WINN-project van Rijkswaterstaat’
- Duin, P.A. van der (2013). Managing cross-innovation. Realizing ‘Neue Kombinationen’ between the creative industry and other industries. MeetInnov-conference, November 19, Paris, France
- Duin, P.A. van der (2012). Kijken naar de toekomst. Over de noodzakelijke professionalisering van toekomstonderzoek. (Looking to the future. On the necessary professionalization of futures research). Bestuurskunde, issue 3, pp.80-88
- Van der Steen, M. & P.A. van der Duin (2012). Learning ahead of time how evaluation of foresight may add to increased trust, organizational learning and future oriented policy and strategy, Futures, Vol.44, pp.487-493
- Van der Duin, P.A. & M. Van der Steen (2012). Looking back on looking forward, Futures, vol.44, pp.415-419
- Duin, P.A. van der (red.) (2012). Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken. qualitAssen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Scenarios for Scenario-project for Canon-Océ (2012):
- Trend-analysis for Océ Research
- Océ Future Scenarios
- Options for increasing the future awareness of Océ Research
- Graaf, R. de & P.A. van der Duin (2012). Collective innovation: a new approach for dealing with society induced challenges. The case of the Dutch bakery sector. 2nd International conference on leadership, technology and innovation management, October 11-13, Istanbul, Turkey
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. van de Linde (2012). Innovating for the future in Dutch companies, ISERC 2012, Orlando, U.S.A., May 12, 2012, ISBN 978-0-09837624-1-6
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. van der Steen (2012). Looking back on looking forward, Futures, vol.44
- Duin, P.A. van der (2012). Inleiding. In: Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken, pp.1-13, geredigeerd door Patrick van der Duin, Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Duin, P.A. van der (2012). Trendanalyse. In: Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken, pp.41-60, geredigeerd door Patrick van der Duin, Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Klooster, Susan van ‘t & P.A. van der Duin (2012). De toekomst gerecycled: een meta-analyse voor toekomstonderzoek. In: Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken, pp.219-225, geredigeerd door Patrick van der Duin, Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Van de Linde, E. & P.A. van der Duin (2011), The Delphi method as early warning. Linking global societal trends to future radicalization and terrorism in The Netherlands, Technology Forecasting & Social Change 78, pp.1557-1564
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Sule & W. Bruggeman (2011). Deltas for the future. Lessons learned in a water innovation programme. Irrigation and Drainage, 60 (Suppl.1), pp.122-128
- Kamp, L.M. & P.A. van der Duin (2011). Analysing the wind turbine systems in the Netherlands and in Denmark using the Cyclic Innovation Model. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, Vol.2, issue 1, pp.39-59
- Stavleu, Hans & Patrick van der Duin (2011). Twitter, een revolutionaire babbelbox (Twitter, a revolutionairy ‘babbelbox’), Trouw, April 2, 2011
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. R. Ortt & W. Aarts (2011). Contextual innovation management contributing to lean development: the case of Philips Saving & Beauty, Euromot conference, p.430-446, Tampere, Finland
- Duin, P.A. van der & S. van ’t Klooster (2011). Recycling the future. Developing a meta-analysis for foresight. FTA-conference, 13-13 May 2011, Seville, Spain
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Sule & W. Bruggeman (2011). Deltas for the future. Lessons learned in a water innovation programme. ICID European Regional Conference, May 16-19, Groningen, the Netherlands
- Rijkens-Klomp. N. & P.A. van der Duin (2011). Evaluating local public foresight studies from a user perspective, FTA-conference, 13-13 May 2011, Seville, Spain
- Duin, P.A. van der. T. Heger & M. Schlesinger (2011). Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems, FTA-conference, 13-13 May 2011, Seville, Spain
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2011). Keeping the balance: exploring the link of futures research with innovation and strategy processes, in: Foresight for dynamic organisations in unstable environments. A search for new frameworks, edited by S. Mendonça and B. Sapio, Routledge
- Duin, P.A. van der (2011). Innovation processes are not projects. In: Innopreneur. 101 Chronicles on how circumstance, preparation and brilliance advance innovation, pp.54-55, edited by Ton Langeler, New York: Channel V Books
- Innovating for the future? An expert view on the future-orientation of the Dutch innovation system, Foresight, Vol.12, No.5, pp.27-40
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. Dirven, C. Hazeu, E. van de Linde & P. Rademaker (2010), On the use of futures research for organizational change in Dutch government Ministries, Futures, Vol.42, Number 4, pp.23-36
- Botterhuis, L., P.A. van der Duin, P. de Ruijter & P. van Wijck (2010). Monitoring the future. Building an early warning system for the Dutch Ministry of Justice, Futures, Vol.42, pp.454-465
- Ruimte voor de toekomst. Een toekomstverkenning voor VROM. Antwerpen: Pantopicon
- Exploring managerial aspects of innovation systems. Assessing the ‘Functions of innovation systems’-approach and the Cyclic Innovation Model, ERSCP-EMSU-conference, October 25-28 2010, Delft, the Netherlands
- Entrepreneurs and the future. How do techno-starters look to the future to develop new business? Security in futures-security in change-conference, June 3-4 2010, Turku, Finland
- An expert based view on the decreased quality of the Dutch innovation system. Applying the ‘functions of innovation systems’-approach, IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, June 3-4 2010, Singapore
- Analyzing the innovation system of wind turbine development 1973-2000 using the Cyclic Innovation Model, IAMOT-conference, March 2010, Cairo, Egypt
- How to apply open innovation in a closed environment. The case of the Dutch Defense Intelligence and Security Service, IAMOT-conference, March 2010, Cairo, Egypt
- The Dutch innovation system: raising the lowland? In: Encyclopedia of technology and innovation management, edited by V.K. Narayanan and Gina O’Connor, Chichester: Wiley, 2010
- Het succes van de Noord/Zuidlijn (The success of the North-South subway), Delta, volume 42, no.28.
- (2009). To govern is to foresee. An exploratory study into the relationship between futures research and strategy and policy processes at Dutch Ministries, Futures, Vol.41, pp.607-618
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2009). Keeping the balance. Exploring the link of futures research with innovation and strategy processes, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 41, No. 3, April 2009, pp. 333–351
- Duin, P.A. van der (2009). On applied science, predicting and contingency, Futures, Vol.41, pp.194-196
- Bouwman, H., H. ter Doest & P.A. van der Duin (2009). Developing new business models for intermediaries in the insurance sector, International Journal of Management Practice, Vol.3, No.3, pp.263-276
- Duin, P.A. van der, R, de Graaf & T. Langeler (2009), Innovatie uit de polder? Hoe Nederland kan vernieuwen. Amsterdam: Business Contact
- Stavleu, Hans & Patrick van der Duin (2009). Opnieuw was Twitter de eerste (Once more Twitter came in first), Trouw, May 2, 2009
- Scenarios on watermanagement with Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat (2009-2010):
- Wolters, H., W. Bruggeman, J. Icke, S. Karstens, B. van der Veen, M. Eberveld, W. Oosterberg, J. Timmerman & P.A. van der Duin (2009). Scenariomethoden voor waterbeheer, bodembeheer en ruimtelijke inrichting (Scenariomethods for watermanagement, management of soil, and spatial organization), Utrecht/Lelystad: Deltares/Rijkswaterstaat
- Graaf, R. de, P.A. van der Duin & T. Langeler (2009). Changing the innovation system in the Netherlands: an expert based view, paper gepresenteerd op de ICE-conferentie, Noordwijk/Leiden, 22 – 24 juni 2009
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Wetenschap is geen geloof (Science is not religion), Delta, volume 41, nr.11, p.4
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Koester je toekomst (Cherish your future), Delta, volume 41, nr.13, p.2
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Het berenvel kon beter (The bear skin could be improved) , HP/De Tijd, March 27, 2009, week 13, pp.40-41
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Wetenschap is geen geloof (2) (Science is not religion (2)), Delta online, volume 41, nr. 14
- The evolution of innovation management towards contextual innovation, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol.11, No.4, pp.522-538
- Duin, P.A. van der (2008). The difficult future, Foresight, Vol.10, no.5, pp.50-59
- Bouwman, H., M. Zhengjia, P.A. van der Duin & S. Limonard (2008). A Business Model for IPTV Service: a dynamic framework, Info, Vol.10, Number 3, pp.22-38
- Duin, P.A. van der & D. Hartmann (2007). Young dreamers: An explorative study on how techno-starters look to the future, Journal of Futures Studies, Vol.12, Number 2, November 2007, pp.23-36
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. van Oirschot, H. Kotey & E. Vreeling (2008). Regeren is vooruitzien. Een exploratief onderzoek naar het gebruik van toekomstverkenningen in strategie- en beleidsprocessen. Amstelveen: Lenthe Publishers
- Ajax heeft verkeerd ‘business-model’ (Ajax has a wrong ‘business-model’), Het Parool, December 6, 2008
- Duin, Patrick van der, Robert van Oirschot, Harry Kotey & Eelco Vreeling (2008). Politiek, durf grenzen te verleggen (Politicians, dare to push your limits), Het Financieele Dagblad, September 1, 2008
- Duin, P.A. van der & N. Huijboom (2008). The futures of EU-based eGovernment: a scenario-based exploration, paper gepresenteerd op de HICSS – 41 conferentie, Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Bouwman, H., M. Zhengjia, P.A. van der Duin & S. Limonard (2008). Robustness of IPTV business models. In: Mobile service innovation and business models, edited by H. Bouwman, H, de Vos & T. Haaker, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer
- Duin, Patrick van der, (2008). Hypes hebben de toekomst (hypes have the future). Delta, magazine Delft Universiy of Technology, volume 40, number 20
- Duin, Patrick van der, Robert van Oirschot, Hary Kotey & Eelco Vreeling (2008). Regeren is niet altijd vooruitzien (To govern is not always to foresee), Delta, universiteitsblad TU Delft, volume 40, number 26
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Antwoorden in de toekomst (Answers in the future),, July 2008
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). De toekomst is weer een stukje dichter bij (Once again the future is a bit closer). Review of The handbook of technology foresight, De Ingenieur (The Engineer), volume 120, number 13, September 5, p.74
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Using scenarios in innovation processes, International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2007, pp.388-402
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & H. Stavleu (2007). Mind the gap: concluding remarks to the special issue, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.74, November 2007, pp.1847-1851
- Ortt, J.R., P.A. van der Duin & H. Stavleu (2007). Introduction to the special section, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.74, November 2007, pp.1749-1757
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Against history: the role of history in current Dutch society, Foresight, Vol.9, No.6, pp.11-21
- Berkhout, A.J. & P.A. van der Duin (2007). New ways of innovation: an application of the cyclic innovation model to the mobile telecom industry. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.40, No.4, pp.294-309
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Innovating for the future. How Dutch SMEs use futures research in innovation processes. Futura, issue 2, 2007, pp.37-51
- Bouwman, H. & P.A. van der Duin (2007). Futures research and the use of communication technology in households in 2010: a reassessment. New Media & Society, Vol.9, No.3, pp.379-399
- The Cyclic Innovation Model: a new challenge for a regional approach to innovation systems?, European Planning Studies, Vol.15, No.2, February 2007, pp.195-215
- Duin, P.A. van der & I. Sabelis (2007). The future revisited: an application of lessons learned from past futures. The socio-cultural domain and innovation policy in the Netherlands. Foresight, Vol.9, Issue 2, pp.3-14
- Duin, P.A. van der (ed.) (2007). Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, Delft: Eburon
- The cyclic nature of innovation: connecting hard sciences with soft values, Oxford: Elsevier
- Vijftig inspirerende innovaties. Delft: PDMA-NL
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Tegen de geschiedenis. Pleidooi voor een toekomstgerichte samenleving. Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Nederland heeft teveel verleden (The Netherlands has too much history), De Volkskrant, 16 juni 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Van de geschiedenis valt niet te leren (History doesn’t teach us anything), De Gelderlander, January 25, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Ongeloof is geen geloof (Unbelief is not a belief), Nederlands Dagblad, January 9, 2007
- Ortt, J.R. & P.A van der Duin (2007). Contextual innovation, paper gepresenteerd op de ECEI-conference in Utrecht, Nederland, 8 – 9 November, 2007
- Bouwman, W.A.G.A., M. Zhengjia, P.A. van der Duin & S. Limonard (2007). Business model for IPTV Service: a dynamic framework, 18e European Regional ITS Conference, Istanbul, Turkije, 2 – 5 September, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2007). Linking futures research with management science: improving innovation and strategy processes within companies, paper gepresenteerd op de Cost-A22 conferentie ‘From oracles to dialogue: exploring new ways to discover the future’, Athene, Griekenland, 9 – 11 juli 2007
- Janssen, M. A. Huizer, P.A. van der Duin & R.W. Wagenaar (2007). The results of a scenario building and road mapping workshop for e-Government in 2020, 7th European Conference on e-Government, Den Haag, 21-22 June 2007
- Janssen, M., P.A. van der Duin, R. Wagenaar, M. Bicking, M. Wimmer, S. Dawes & R. Petrauskas (2007). Scenario building for E-Government in 2020: Consolidating the results from regional workshops, paper gepresenteerd tijdens de HICSS-40 conferentie in Hawaii, U.S.A., 3-6 januari 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & H. Stavleu (2007). Minding the gap: previewing the potential of breakthrough technologies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.74, Issue 9
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Innovating for the future: a cyclic perspective, in: The conceptual approach of understanding. A commemoration for A.J. Berkhout, J.T. Fokkema, D. Hartmann, A. Mehlkopf & D.J. Verschuur (ed.), Delft
- Graaf, R., E. den Ouden & P.A. van der Duin (2007). Een vogelvlucht langs 50 nederinnovaties uit de 21e eeuw (A bird’s-eye view on fifty Dutch innovations). In: Goed nieuws uit Nederland. Vijftig inspirerende innovaties (Good news from the Netherlands. Fifty inspiring innovations), Patrick van der Duin, Elke den Ouden, Rob de Graaf, Bert van Haastrecht, Marlies de Koning & Ton Langeler (red.), Delft: PDMA-NL
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Futures research and science: introduction, in: Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, edited by Patrick van der Duin,Delft: Eburon
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2007). Managing the future, in: Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, edited by Patrick van der Duin,Delft: Eburon
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Futures research and science: summary and afterthoughts, in: Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, edited by Patrick van der Duin,Delft: Eburon
- Ortt, J.R. & P.A. van der Duin (2007). Contextuele innovatie I, Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkelaars, Vol.15, No.5, September 2007, pp.28-30
- Duin, P.A. van der & J.R. Ortt (2007). Contextuele innovatie II. Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkelaars, Vol.15, No.6, November 2007, pp.24-26
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Between shrinkage and cramp, column for the Dutch Union of Architects,
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Een slimme student is op zijn toekomst voorbereid (A smart student is preparing for its future), foreword annual book students council Cleopatra, RUG
- Berkhout, A.J., L. Hartmann, P.A. van der Duin & J.R. Ortt (2006). Innovating the innovation process. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.34, Issue 3/4, pp.390-404
- Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & J.S. Schoonenboom (2006). The future revisited. Looking back at The next 25 years by the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). Futures 38, pp.235-246
- Duin, P.A. & J.M. Stavleu (2006). De toekomst in een notendop. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). Qualitative futures research for innovation. Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers, PhD-thesis
- Project “ICT‐driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020” carried out by TNO, TU Delft and DTI in 2006 and commissioned by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) (2007-2008):
- Frissen, V., J. Millard, N. Huijboom, J. Svava Iversen, L. Kool, B. Kotterink, M. van Lieshout, M. Van Staden & P.A. van der Duin (2007). The future of eGovernment. An exploration of ICT-driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020. Seville: JRC/IPTS, September 2007
- eGovRTD2020-project: scenarios on the future of eGovernment (2006-2007):
- Janssen, M., P. van der Duin, T. Monasso, M. Bicking & M. Wimmer (2006). Deliverable 2.1: Scenarios report (including regional workshops report), eGovRTD2020-consortium, project funded by the European Community, IST-Program
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). The use of scenarios in innovation processes. Two case studies. Tweede Internationale Sevilla Seminar over Future-Oriented Technology Analysis: Impact of FTA Approaches on Policy
- Duin, P.A. van der Duin & I. Sabelis (2006). The future revisited. An application of lessons learned of past futures to the socio-cultural domain and innovation policy in the Netherlands. Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de Future Matters-conferentie in Cardiff, Wales op 4 september 2006
- Berkhout A.J. & P.A. van der Duin (2006). Innovating the regional innovation process. Paper gepresenteerd op de Changing foresight practices in regional development – Global pressures and regional possibilities-conference, Finland Futures Academy, 7-9 juni 2006, Turku, Finland
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). Innovating for the future. How Dutch SMEs use futures research in innovation processes. Paper gepresenteerd op de Changing foresight practices in regional development – Global pressures and regional possibilities-conference, Finland Futures Academy, 7-9 juni 2006, Turku, Finland
- Berkhout, A.J., P.A. van der Duin, L. Hartmann & J.R. Ortt (2006). Innovation at the interface between science and business. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.34, Issue 3/4
- Essays over Open innovatie (Open propositions. Essays on Open innovation). Den Haag: AWT
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). Jan Schoonenboom: een realistische toekomstonderzoeker (Jan Schoonenboom: a realistic futures researcher) in: Laten we wel wezen… (Let’s be fair…), W. Asbeek Brusse, W.B.H.J. van de Donk & J.C.I. de Pree (ed.), Den Haag: WRR
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Stavleu (2006). Tijd voor toekomstkunde (Time for futures research), Over Morgen, a publication by Boer & Croon, December 2006, Vol. 7, no.2, pp.82-85
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). The active attitude of Filip De Roeck and his art. Contribution to the catalogue of Catalyst (exhibition), August 2006, Amsterdam
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Stavleu (2005). We moeten niet leren van het verleden maar van de toekomst (We should not learn from the past but from the future). NRC Handelsblad, September 17, 2005
- Duin, P.A. van der (2005). Weg met de historie, leve de toekomst (Away with history, long live the future). Het Parool, January 13, 2005
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt, L. Hartmann & A.J. Berkhout (2005). Innovation in context. From R&D management to innovation in networks, pp.227-247. In: Managing Technology and Innovation: An Introduction, R. Verburg, J.R. Ortt & W. Dicken. London/New York: Routledge
- Berkhout, A.J. & P.A. van der Duin (2005). Innoveren: schaken op vier borden tegelijk (Innovation: playing chess at four chessboards at the same time). Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkeling, Vol. 13, no.5, pp.35-37
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. Kok (2005). CIM in actie: het thixomolding-cluster (CIM in action: the thixomolding-cluster). Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkeling, Vol. 13, no. 6, pp.32-34
- Duin, P.A. van der & R.P. Kok (2004). Mind the gap – linking forecasting with decisionmaking. Telektronikk, Vol.100, No.4., pp.185-194
- GPD-bladen, October 2004
- Geschiedenis biedt geen les voor later (History does not offer any lessons for later). De Volkskrant, January 27, 2004
- Mobile data innovation: Lucio and the Cyclic Innovation Model. Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ICEC04 conferentie Towards a new services landscape, 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, October 2004, Delft, the Netherlands
- Innovating for the future. Keynote presentatie op de EU-US Scientific Seminar ‘New technology foresight, forecasting & assessment methods’, georganiseerd door Europese Commissie Directoraat-Generaal Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, 13-14 mei 2004, Sevilla, Spanje
- Dealing with Uncertainties in Building Scenarios for the Development of Mobile Services; In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; IEEE Computer Society; 5-8 January Big Island, Hawaii. ISBN 0-7695-2056-1; 11 pages.
- Innovating for the future, pp.70-82, in: Thinking creatively in turbulent times, edited by H.F. Didsbury Jr., Bethesda: World Future Society
- Massamedia, informatie en communicatie. (Massmedia, information, and communication), pp.97-106. In: Vijfentwintig jaar later. De toekomstverkenning van de WRR uit 1977 als leerproces. (Twenty-five years later. The future study of the WRR from 1977 as a learning process). Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & I.J Schoonenboom (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- (Twenty-five years later. The future study of the WRR from 1977 as a learning process), pp.193-202. Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & I.J Schoonenboom (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Linking (telco) forecasting to innovation management. Putting forecasting into context. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting 2004, Prague
- Innovating for the future. A selection of preliminary findings and some possible future directions. World Future Society-conference 2004, Washington, U.S.A.
- Technology futures analysis: the road ahead. Forum-presentation together with Hal Linstone, Alan Porter & Guenter Clar, World Future Society-conference 2004, Washington, U.S.A.
- Mind the gap. Linking (telco) forecasting to innovation management. Expert Dialogues: Adjusting to the needs of the telecommunication sector, expert-meeting International Telecommunication Union together with the International Institute of Forecasters, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-26 October 2004
- Bouwman, H. & P.A. van der Duin (2003). Technological forecasting and scenarios matter: research into the use of information and communication technology in the home environment in 2010. Foresight, Vol.5, Number 4, 2003, pp.8-20
- Duin, P.A. van der (2003). Innoveren voor de toekomst (Innovating for the future). Contribution to the ‘ToekomstWijzer 2010’, published by Syntens NT, February 2003
- Ortt, R., P.A. van der Duin & H. Stavleu (2003). Toekomstonderzoek? Een proces van trial en error’ (‘Futures research? A proces of trial-and-error!’). Product – magazine for product development, Vol.11, No.4, July 2003, pp.20-23
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. Ortt & Hans Stavleu (2003). Scenario’s en innovatie (Scenarios and innovation), Product – magazine for product development, Vol.11, No.5, September 2003, pp.13-19
- Stavleu, H., P.A. van der Duin & R. Ortt (2003). De zes B’s van toekomstonderzoek (The six B’s of futures research). Product – magazine for product development, Vol.11, No.6, November 2003, pp.40-42
- Duin, P.A. van der (2003). Scenarios and forecasting: living apart together. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting 2003, Vienna
- Duin, P.A. van der (2003). De onvermijdelijke toekomst (The unavoidable future). Helix – faculty journal of Biology of the University of Groningen, volume 18, number 1, pp.4-5. Published also as a foreword to the conference papers of ‘Future Biology’, organised by the University of Groningen on October the 1st and 2nd, 2003
- Duin, P.A. van der & S.W.Y Un (2002). Mobile Internet. Trends in Communication, Issue 9, 2002
- Ebeling, F., P.A. van der Duin & E. van de Kar (2002). Scenarios for mobile services in 2005. (in Dutch), Informatie & Informatiebeleid, 2002, No.1, pp.32-39
- Duin, P.A. van der (2002). Riding the waves of economic and technological growth. FITCE Forum, 2002, pp.7-9
- Duin, P.A. van der (2002). Environmental scenarios, contribution to ‘Your say’, a column edited by A. Scott, Scenario & Strategy Planning, Vol.3, Issue 6, March/April, pp.4-8
- Kok, R. & P.A. van der Duin (2002). KPN case study update from 2001: examining the different models and corporate scenarios developed for KPN which optimise qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting Conference 2002, Prague
- Duin, P.A. van der & R. Kok (2002). Examining how KPN is using futures research in innovation policies and processes. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting Conference 2002, Prague.
- MOBUS scenario-project on the insurance-industry with the Telematica-institute (2001-2002): Hille, S.C., F. Ebeling, G. van den Eijkel, P. Porskamp & P.A. van der Duin (2001). MOBUS uncertainties, scenarios and use-cases. Enschede: Telematics Institute, MOBUS project deliverable 2/3
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. Dijkhuis & R. Ortt (2001). Event-analysis: how to assess the vulnerability of your organisation. Scenario & Strategy Planning, Vol.3., July/August 2001, pp.8-11
- Duin, P.A. van der (2001). The future of mobile Internet?! Asking the right questions (instead of giving wrong answers). IQPC-conference, London
- Duin, P.A. van der & R. Kok (2001). Truth versus precision. How to combine quantitative and qualitative forecasting. IIR conference Forecasting in Telecom, Brussels
- Duin, P.A. van der (2001). Lijnen naar de toekomst. Telecommunicatie in perspectief’ (Lines into the Future. Telecommunication in perspective). Stress Conference, Technical University of Twente, Enschede
- Imagine21 (part of ESPRIT-IT-programme; project No.28.732) (1999-2001): Emerging software technologies for telecommunications service forecasting in the 21st century:
- Deliverable 1.1.1 Definition of a service model
- Deliverable 1.1.2 Definition of a user model
- Deliverable 1.1.3 Definition of a market and environment model
- Deliverable 2.2.2 Scenarios for Imagine21
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. Mante (1999/2000). Scenario Best Practice. Scenario & Strategy Planning, December 1999/January 2000, Vol.1, Issue 5, pp.7-9
- Duin, P.A. van der, C. Smits & G.J. Valk (2000). Combining qualitative and quantitative scenario building: the best of both worlds. Scenario & Strategy Planning, February 2000, pp.4-7
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Destination 2005. Scenario & Strategy Planning, April/May 2000, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.22-25
- Drop, R., J. Dijkhuis P.A. van der Duin & Hans Stavleu (2000). Bestemming 2005: corporate scenario’s voor KPN. KPN studieblad, April/May 2000, pp.204-221
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Your say: Money well spent (column), Scenario & Strategy Planning, June/July 2000, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.27-28
- Un, S., R. Bonnier & P.A. van der Duin (2000). Online shopping: the trend matters. (in Dutch), Eye, July 2000
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Uncertainty has the Future (in Dutch), column for KPN magazine ‘Telescope’, September 2000
- Un, S. & P.A. van der Duin (2000). Consumer in Contro. (in Dutch), Eye, September 2000
- Duin, P.A. van der, P. Kandelaars & Raymond Kok (2000). Just Imagine – A marriage between forecasting and scenarios. Scenario & Strategy Planning, October 2000, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.8-11
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Uncertainty has the future. Corporate scenarios within KPN. Journal of the Institution of British Telecommunication Engineers, december 2000
- Duin, P.A. van der (2001). Scenario planning and KM, contribution to ‘Your say’ a column edited by S. Lelic, Scenario & Strategy Planning, Vol.2, Issue 6, February/March 2001, pp.26-28
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Scenarios as a part of future studies within KPN. Conference ‘Scenarios 2000: working with the future today’, Amsterdam, ArkGroup
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). ICT in scenarios. Conference ‘Trends, prognoses and scenarios’, Zeist, Infocare
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Internet Masterclass: developing vision. Conference ‘Civil Society’, Ede,
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Uncertainty has the Future: corporate scenarios within KPN. FITCE, 39th European Telecommunications Congress, Shannonside Ireland (repeated in March 2001)
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Examining the advantages and challenges of integrating key telecom forecasting technologies with scenario-based forecasting techniques. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting 2000, London
- Mante, E., P.A. van der Duin & M. Abeln (1998). Fun with Scenarios. Longe Range Planning, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp.628-637
- Abeln, M. & P.A. van der Duin (1998). Kijken naar de toekomst (Looking at the future), Eye, December 1998, pp.10-11
- Un, Stefanie & Patrick van der Duin (1998). Uitzien naar de toekomst (Looking forward to the future), Tijdschrift voor marketing (Marketing Magazine), December 1, 1998
Columns for Delta, magazine of Delft University of Technology: 2007-2012
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Meetbare wetenschap (Measurable science). Column for Delta, March 15, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Uren schrijven (Hours registration). Column for Delta, April 26, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Geld verdienen (Making money). Column for Delta, June 7, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Mentaliteit (Mentality). Column for Delta, July 5, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Voetbalshirtjes (Football shirts). Column for Delta, September 13 september, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Loyaliteit (Loyalty). Column for Delta, Oktober 11, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Professionaliteit (Professionalism). Column for Delta, November 15, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). MOTIVation (MOTIVatie). Column for Delta, December 13, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Scheiden (To divorce). Delta, jaargang 40, nr.3
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Persoonlijke utopieën (Personal utopias). Column in de Delta, jaargang 40, nr.7
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Woorden (Words). Column for Delta, vol.40, nr.11
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Minderwaardigheidscomplex (Inferriority complex). Column in Delta, jaargang 40, nummer 15
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Geduld (Patience). Column for Delta, vol.40, nr.19
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Rankings. Column for Delta, vol. 40, nr.23
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). (Expertise) Expertise. Column for Delta, volume 40, nr.27
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Crisis (Crisis). Column for Delta, volume 40, nr.31
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). ZZP’ers (Independent workers). Column for Delta, volume 40, nr.35
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Geldstromen (Moneystreams). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.4
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Corruptie (Corruption). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.8
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Schuldig (Guilty). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.12
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Onafhankelijkheid (Independence). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.16
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Samenzijn (Togetherness). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.20
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Vakantiegevoel (Holiday feeling). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.24
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Fuseren (To merge). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.28
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Prettige chaos (happy chaos). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.32
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Wereldberoemd (Worldfamous). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.36
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Norm (Norm). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.1
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Zorgen (Worries). Column in de Delta, volume 42, nr.5
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Rommel (Garbage). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.9
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Buiten (Outside). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.13
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Meer geld verdienen (Making more money), Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.17
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Business model (Business model). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.22
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Kwaliteit (Quality). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr. 26
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Perspectief (Perspective). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr. 30
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Professor’s diners (Hooglerarendiners). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.42
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Subsidized monkey rock (Gesubsidieerde apenrots). Column for Delta, volume 43, no.1
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). To graduate (Afstuderen). Column for Delta, volume 43, no.5
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Without professors (Zonder professoren). Delta, volume 43, no.9
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Skill (Kunde). Delta, volume 43, no.13
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Achterklap (Backbiting), Delta, volume 13, no.17
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Innovatiebeleid (Innovation policy), Delta, volume 43, no.21
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Onbestaanbaar (Non-existing), Delta, volume 43, no.25
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Experiment (Experiment), Delta, volume 43, no.29
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Waarschuwing (Warning), Delta, jaargang 43, no.33
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Positieve discriminatie (Positive discrimination), Delta, volume 44, no.1
- Duin, Patrick van der (2012). Toren (Tower), volume 44, no.5
- Duin, Patrick van der (2012). Skipiste (Skislope), Delta, volume 44, no.9
Publications by Patrick van der Duin by type:
- scientific publications
- books
- newspaper articles
- reports
- scientific conference publications
- editor of special issues
- bookchapters
- business publications
- business conference presentations
- columns for ‘Delta’ (magazine of Delft University of Technology)
- other publications
Scientific publications
- Van der Duin, P.A. & P. Trott (2023). Exploring reciprocal relationships between corporate foresight and ambidexterity. Submitted to Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
- Van de Mosselaer, F., D. Vanneste & Patrick van der Duin, On the performativity of expectations in participatory spatial planning. A case study on Seelig Park area development in Breda, submitted to Planning Theory and Practice
- Van der Duin, P.A. & D. Snijders (2022). Designing ‘futures studies journeys’. Addressing users of futures studies using a contingency approach, World Futures Review, forthcoming
- Trott, P., D. Baxter, P. Ellwood and P.A. van der Duin (2022). How relevant is stage-gate for today’s new product development?, Prometheus, Vol.38, No.2, June 2022, pp.207-227
- Van der Duin, P.A., P. Lodder and D. Snijders (2020). Dutch Doubts and Desires. Monitoring citizen opinions on future and technology, Futures, 124, pp.2-12.
- Den Butter, F, and P.A. van der Duin (2020). Technology, transaction and economic foresight. Developing tendency-based scenarios. Journal of Business & Economic Policy, Vol.7, No.1, pp.52-64
- Van der Duin, P.A. & A. Ligtvoet (2019). Lines into the future. Exploring how Dutch infrastructure providers organize and manage their foresight processes. Futures, Vol.105, pp.187-198
- P.A. van der Duin (2019). Toward “Responsible Foresight”: Developing futures that enable matching future technologies with societal demands. World Futures Review, Vol. 11(1), pp. 69-79
- Snijders, D., P.A. van der Duin, V. Marchau & G.J. van Doorn (2018). Scenarios for ICT-related education: a qualitative meta-analysis. Journal of Futures Studies, December 2018, Vol. 23, Issue 2, pp.13–28
- Snijders, D. & P.A. van der Duin (2017). The future is ours. How Dutch people think about technology and the future, Journal of Futures Studies, Vol. 21. No.4, June 2017, pp.19-36
- Duin, P.A. van der, V. Marchau, L. van der Goes, J. Scheerder, R. Hoogerwerf & S. de Wilde (2016). Challenging the future. Implications of the Horizon Scan 2050 for the Dutch Top-Industry innovation policy. Athens Journal of Technology & Engineering, Volume 3, No 1, March 2016, pp.7-27
- Scholten, V.E. & P.A. van der Duin (2015). Responsible innovation among academic spin-offs: how responsible practices help developing absorptive capacity. Journal on Chain and Network Science, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1-15
- Duin, P.A. van der (2014). The crystal ball is not a black box. Futures research in scientific and organizational perspective. Journal of Futures Studies, Vol.19, No.2, December 2014, pp.125-134
- Rijkens-Klomp, N. & P. van der Duin (2014). Evaluating local and national public foresight studies from a user perspective, Futures, Vol.59, pp.18-26
- Duin, P.A. van der, T. Heger & M.D. Schlesinger (2014). Toward networked foresight? Exploring the use of futures research in innovation networks, Futures, Vol.59, pp.62-78
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation: introduction to the special issue, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1402001(1-3)
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation: synthesis and future research, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.1, pp. 1440007(1-10)
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Hermeler (2014). Innovating in a government context: an evaluation of a Dutch water program using the Cyclic Innovation Model, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.3, pp.144008(1-22)
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & W. Aarts (2013). Contextual innovation management using a stage-gate platform: the case of Philips Shaving and Beauty, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.31. no.3, pp.1-12
- Trott, P., P.A. van der Duin & L. Hartmann (2013). Users as innovators? Exploring the limitations of user-driven innovation, Prometheus, Vol.31, No.2, pp.125-138
- Duin, P.A. van der (2012). Kijken naar de toekomst. Over de noodzakelijke professionalisering van toekomstonderzoek. (Looking to the future. On the necessary professionalization of futures research). Bestuurskunde, issue 3, pp.80-88
- Van der Steen, M. & P.A. van der Duin (2012). Learning ahead of time how evaluation of foresight may add to increased trust, organizational learning and future oriented policy and strategy, Futures, Vol.44, pp.487-493
- Van der Duin, P.A. & M. Van der Steen (2012). Looking back on looking forward, Futures, vol.44, pp.415-419
- Van de Linde, E. & P.A. van der Duin (2011), The Delphi method as early warning. Linking global societal trends to future radicalization and terrorism in The Netherlands, Technology Forecasting & Social Change 78, pp.1557-1564
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Sule & W. Bruggeman (2011). Deltas for the future. Lessons learned in a water innovation programme. Irrigation and Drainage, 60 (Suppl.1), pp.122-128
- Kamp, L.M. & P.A. van der Duin (2011). Analysing the wind turbine systems in the Netherlands and in Denmark using the Cyclic Innovation Model. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, Vol.2, issue 1, pp.39-59
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. de Graaf & T. Langeler (2010). Innovating for the future? An expert view on the future-orientation of the Dutch innovation system, Foresight, Vol.12, No.5, pp.27-40
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. Dirven, C. Hazeu, E. van de Linde & P. Rademaker (2010), On the use of futures research for organizational change in Dutch government Ministries, Futures, Vol.42, Number 4, pp.23-36
- Botterhuis, L., P.A. van der Duin, P. de Ruijter & P. van Wijck (2010). Monitoring the future. Building an early warning system for the Dutch Ministry of Justice, Futures, Vol.42, pp.454-465
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. van Oirschot, H. Kotey & E. Vreeling. (2009). To govern is to foresee. An exploratory study into the relationship between futures research and strategy and policy processes at Dutch Ministries, Futures, Vol.41, pp.607-618
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2009). Keeping the balance. Exploring the link of futures research with innovation and strategy processes, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 41, No. 3, April 2009, pp. 333–351
- Duin, P.A. van der (2009). On applied science, predicting and contingency, Futures, Vol.41, pp.194-196
- Bouwman, H., H. ter Doest & P.A. van der Duin (2009). Developing new business models for intermediaries in the insurance sector, International Journal of Management Practice, Vol.3, No.3, pp.263-276
- Ortt, J.R. & P.A. van der Duin (2008). The evolution of innovation management towards contextual innovation, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol.11, No.4, pp.522-538
- Duin, P.A. van der (2008). The difficult future, Foresight, Vol.10, no.5, pp.50-59
- Bouwman, H., M. Zhengjia, P.A. van der Duin & S. Limonard (2008). A Business Model for IPTV Service: a dynamic framework, Info, Vol.10, Number 3, pp.22-38
- Duin, P.A. van der & D. Hartmann (2007). Young dreamers: An explorative study on how techno-starters look to the future, Journal of Futures Studies, Vol.12, Number 2, November 2007, pp.23-36
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Using scenarios in innovation processes, International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2007, pp.388-402
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & H. Stavleu (2007). Mind the gap: concluding remarks to the special issue, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.74, November 2007, pp.1847-1851
- Ortt, J.R., P.A. van der Duin & H. Stavleu (2007). Introduction to the special section, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.74, November 2007, pp.1749-1757
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Against history: the role of history in current Dutch society, Foresight, Vol.9, No.6, pp.11-21
- Berkhout, A.J. & P.A. van der Duin (2007). New ways of innovation: an application of the cyclic innovation model to the mobile telecom industry. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.40, No.4, pp.294-309
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Innovating for the future. How Dutch SMEs use futures research in innovation processes. Futura, issue 2, 2007, pp.37-51
- Bouwman, H. & P.A. van der Duin (2007). Futures research and the use of communication technology in households in 2010: a reassessment. New Media & Society, Vol.9, No.3, pp.379-399
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & M. Kok (2007). The Cyclic Innovation Model: a new challenge for a regional approach to innovation systems?, European Planning Studies, Vol.15, No.2, February 2007, pp.195-215
- Duin, P.A. van der & I. Sabelis (2007). The future revisited: an application of lessons learned from past futures. The socio-cultural domain and innovation policy in the Netherlands. Foresight, Vol.9, Issue 2, pp.3-14
- Berkhout, A.J., L. Hartmann, P.A. van der Duin & J.R. Ortt (2006). Innovating the innovation process. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.34, Issue 3/4, pp.390-404
- Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & J.S. Schoonenboom (2006). The future revisited. Looking back at The next 25 years by the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). Futures 38, pp.235-246
- Duin, P.A. van der & R.P. Kok (2004). Mind the gap – linking forecasting with decisionmaking. Telektronikk, Vol.100, No.4., pp.185-194
- Porter, A.L., B. Ashton, G. Clar, J.F. Coates, K. Cuhls, S.W. Cunningham, K. Ducatel, P.A. van der Duin, L. Georghiou, T. Gordon, H. Linstone, V. Marchau, G. Massari, I. Miles, M. Mogee, A. Salo, F. Scapolo, R. Smits & W. Thissen (2004). Technology futures analysis: Toward integration of the field and new methods. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 71, pp.287-303
- Bouwman, H. & P.A. van der Duin (2003). Technological forecasting and scenarios matter: research into the use of information and communication technology in the home environment in 2010. Foresight, Vol.5, Number 4, 2003, pp.8-20
- Mante, E., P.A. van der Duin & M. Abeln (1998). Fun with Scenarios. Longe Range Planning, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp.628-637
- P.A. van der Duin & J.R. Ortt (2020). Contextual innovation management. Adapting innovation processes to different situations. New York: Routledge
- P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders (2018) (red.). Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de overheid. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. (red). (2018). Perspectieven op de toekomst. Toekomstverkennen door Fontys ACI. Tilburg: Fontys ACI
- Duin, P.A. van der (ed.) (2016). Foresight in organizations. Methods and tools. New York: Routledge
- Trott, P., L. Hartmann, P.A. van der Duin, V. Scholten and R. Ortt (2016). Managing Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Oxford: Routledge
- Duin, P.A. van der (red.) (2012). Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken. Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Duin, P.A. van der, R, de Graaf & T. Langeler (2009), Innovatie uit de polder? Hoe Nederland kan vernieuwen. Amsterdam: Business Contact
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. van Oirschot, H. Kotey & E. Vreeling (2008). Regeren is vooruitzien. Een exploratief onderzoek naar het gebruik van toekomstverkenningen in strategie- en beleidsprocessen. Amstelveen: Lenthe Publishers
- Duin, P.A. van der (ed.) (2007). Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, Delft: Eburon
- Berkhout, A.J., P.A. van der Duin, L. Hartmann & J.R. Ortt (2007). The cyclic nature of innovation: connecting hard sciences with soft values, Oxford: Elsevier
- Duin, Patrick van der, Elke den Ouden, Rob de Graaf, Bert van Haastrecht, Marlies de Koning & Ton Langeler (ed.) (2007). Goed nieuws uit Nederland. Vijftig inspirerende innovaties. Delft: PDMA-NL
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Tegen de geschiedenis. Pleidooi voor een toekomstgerichte samenleving. Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers
- Duin, P.A. & J.M. Stavleu (2006). De toekomst in een notendop. Amsterdam: Bert Bakker
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). Qualitative futures research for innovation. Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers, PhD-thesis
- Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & I.J Schoonenboom (ed.) (2004). Vijfentwintig jaar later. De toekomstverkenning van de WRR uit 1977 als leerproces. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
Newspaper articles
- Patrick van der Duin (2023). Tekort aan technologische kennis bij politici is een risico, Trouw, 14 januari 2023
- Snijders, D. & P.A. van der Duin (2016). Kweekvlees, Big Data – Politiek spreek je uit, NRC Handelsblad, September 27, 2016
- Duin, P.A. van der (2015). Laat de wetenschapper met rust (Leave the scientist alone), De Volkskrant, January 6, 2015
- Stavleu, Hans & Patrick van der Duin (2011). Twitter, een revolutionaire babbelbox (Twitter, a revolutionairy ‘babbelbox’), Trouw, April 2, 2011
- Duin, P.A. van der (2010). Noord-Zuidlijn dreigt succes te worden (The North-South subway might even become a success), De Volkskrant, August 30, 2010
- Stavleu, Hans & Patrick van der Duin (2009). Opnieuw was Twitter de eerste (Once more Twitter came in first), Trouw, May 2, 2009
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Ajax heeft verkeerd ‘business-model’ (Ajax has a wrong ‘business-model’), Het Parool, December 6, 2008
- Duin, Patrick van der, Robert van Oirschot, Harry Kotey & Eelco Vreeling (2008). Politiek, durf grenzen te verleggen (Politicians, dare to push your limits), Het Financieele Dagblad, September 1, 2008
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Nederland heeft teveel verleden (The Netherlands has too much history) , De Volkskrant, 16 juni 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Van de geschiedenis valt niet te leren (History doesn’t teach us anything), De Gelderlander, January 25, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Ongeloof is geen geloof (Unbelief is not a belief), Nederlands Dagblad, January 9, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Stavleu (2005). We moeten niet leren van het verleden maar van de toekomst (We should not learn from the past but from the future). NRC Handelsblad, September 17, 2005
- Duin, P.A. van der (2005). Weg met de historie, leve de toekomst (Away with history, long live the future). Het Parool, January 13, 2005
- Hazeu, C.A. & P.A. van der Duin (2004). Vooruitkijken is pas werkelijk goed regeren (Looking ahead is to really govern). GPD-bladen, October 2004
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Geschiedenis biedt geen les voor later (History does not offer any lessons for later). De Volkskrant, January 27, 2004
- Horizonscan (2022)
- ‘Bestemming 2050?! Over de wisselwerking tussen technologie en SDG’s’, Patrick van der Duin, Hans Stavleu & Eva Helmond (red.), Den Haag: STT
- Technologie (2022). ‘TechAgenda. Technologische ontwikkelingen met impact op Recht, Veiligheid en Migratie’, lid klankborggroep, reviewer, mede-onderzoeker.
- Cross-innovation for Rijkswaterstaat (2021):
- ‘Innovatief recyclen. Kansrijke onderwerpen uit diverse sectoren voor Rijkswaterstaat’, Patrick van der Duin, Hans Stavleu & René Hartman, Den Haag: STT
- Post-corona scenario’s (2020)
- ‘Vier keer Nederland normaal. Vier scenario’s over Nederland na de crisis’, Patrick van der Duin, Jan Nekkers, Hans Stavleu, Ewald Breunesse, Joop de Vries, Freija van Duijne, Michiel de Vries & Jeroen Toet, Den Haag: STT
- On ‘the future of mobility’ for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Watermanagement (2020):
- ‘Meer grip op de toekomst. Een verkenning van technologieën en maatschappelijke trends voor innovatiebeleid in mobiliteit’, Patrick van der Duin, Vincent Marchau & Roland Ortt, Den Haag: STT
- Strategic design for Fontys (2019):
- ‘Handreikingen om toekomstonderzoek en het strategieproces met elkaar te verbinden’, Patrick van der Duin & Hans Stavleu, Den Haag: STT/Curiozy
- Nationale Toekomstmonitor (2019)
- ‘Nationale Toekomstmonitor 2019. Hoe kijken Nederlanders naar technologie en de toekomst?’, Patrick van der Duin, Dhoya Snijders & Paul Lodder, Den Haag: STT
- Van der Duin, P.A., P. Lodder and D. Snijders (2020). Dutch Doubts and Desires. Monitoring citizen opinions on future and technology, Futures, 124, pp.2-12.
- Scenario-workshops for Regie-Orgaan SIA (2019)
- Scenario’s for Fontys (2018):
- ‘Fontys: van snijlijnen naar raakvlakken. Synthese van zes strategsiche workshops’, Patrick van der Duin & Hans Stavleu, Den Haag: STT/Curiozy
- Evaluatie scenario’s voor gemeente Westland en Provincie Zuid-Holland (2018):
- Evaluatie ‘Eindverslag scenario’s en opgaven t.b.v. Integrale gebiedsuitwerking Greenport 3.0’
- Scenario’s voor de Onderwijsraad (2017):
- Patrick van der Duin & Hans Stavleu (2017), Naar nieuwe comfortzones. Toekomstscenario’s voor ons onderwijs. Den Haag: STT/Curiozy
- Toekomstonderzoek bij infrabeheerders (project Next Generation Infrastructure II) (2016-107):
- Van der Duin, P.A. & A. Ligtvoet (2019). Lines into the future. Exploring how Dutch infrastructure providers organize and manage their foresight processes. Futures, Vol.105, pp.187-198
- Duin, P.A. van der & A. Ligtvoet (2019). Defending the Delta: Practices of foresight at Dutch infrastructure providers, pp.71-90. In: Futures thinking and organizational policy. Case studies for managing rapid change in technology, globalization and workforce diversity, edited by D.A. Schreiber and Z. L Berge, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
- Patrick van der Duin & Andreas Ligtvoet (2016). ´Wetenschappelijke reflectie op het ‘Zelfportret infrabeheerders’’, Delft: NGInfra
- Patrick van der Duin & Andreas Ligtvoet (2016), ‘Rapport Zelfportret toekomstonderzoek bij infrabeheerders’, Delft: NGINFra
- KARIM-project (Knowledge Acceleration and Responsible Innovation Meta-network) (2014-2015):
- Contributed to report: ‘Responsible innovation in the context of the KARIM-project. A Guiding Document for SME and Policy-Makers’.
- INTERREG IVC PROJECT: “Promoting Cross-Innovation in European Cities and Regions” (with Amsterdam Economic Board) (2011-2014):
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. Shulmeister (2014). Developing local policies for initiating and implementing creative-sector based cross-innovations: Findings from the Amsterdam-region, KIE-conference, Riga, Letland, July 2014; published in: Creativity in Business, edited by F.K. Reisman, published by KIE Conference Book Series, pp. 212-225
- ‘A designerly approach to networked innovation’ (2009-2014):
- Bacco, F. & P.A. van der Duin (2010). How to apply open innovation in a closed environment. The case of the Dutch Defense Intelligence and Security Service, IAMOT-conference, March 2010, Cairo, Egypt
- Duin, P.A. van der (2010). Exploring managerial aspects of innovation systems. Assessing the ‘Functions of innovation systems’-approach and the Cyclic Innovation Model, ERSCPEMSU-conference, October 25-28 2010, Delft, the Netherlands
- Kamp, L.M. and P.A. van der Duin (2011). Analysing the wind turbine systems in the Netherlands and in Denmark using the Cyclic Innovation Model. International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics, Vol.2, Issue 1
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation: synthesis and future research, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1440007(1-10)
- Scenarios on ‘vitalisity’ for Leyden Academy (2012/2013)
- Futures of vitality. A trend-analysis and scenario-analysis (May 2013).
- Scenarios for Scenario-project for Canon-Océ (2012):
- Trend-analysis for Océ Research
- Océ Future Scenarios
- Options for increasing the future awareness of Océ Research
- ‘Trend-analyse voor de NS. Een doorkijkje naar 2020-2040’, met Jaap Huibers, 2010
- ‘Evaluatie WINN’, een evaluatie van het waterinnovatieprogramma van het RWS
- ‘Innoveren in de praktijk. Een evaluatie van het WINN-project van Rijkswaterstaat’
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Hermeler (2014). Innovating in a government context: an evaluation of a Dutch water program using the Cyclic Innovation Model, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, Vol.11, No.3, pp.144008(1-22)
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Sule & W. Bruggeman (2011). Deltas for the future. Lessons learned in a water innovation programme. Irrigation and Drainage, 60 (Suppl.1), pp.122-128
- Scenarios for the Ministry of VROM on the future of spatial planning (2010):
- Rijkens-Klomp, N., M. van Lieshout, E. Rijshouwer & P.A. van der Duin (2010). Ruimte voor de toekomst. Een toekomstverkenning voor VROM. Antwerpen: Pantopicon
- ‘Vele wegen leiden naar Rome. Over toekomstverkenning en organisatieverandering bij de Nederlandse rijksdienst’, Patrick van der Duin, Jan Dirven, Cornelius Hazeu, Erik van de Linde & Paul Rademaker
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. Dirven, C. Hazeu, E. van de Linde & P. Rademaker (2010), On the use of futures research for organizational change in Dutch government Ministries, Futures, Vol.42, Number 4, pp.23-36
- Scenarios on watermanagement with Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat (2009-2010):
- Wolters, H., W. Bruggeman, J. Icke, S. Karstens, B. van der Veen, M. Eberveld, W. Oosterberg, J. Timmerman & P.A. van der Duin (2009). Scenariomethoden voor waterbeheer, bodembeheer en ruimtelijke inrichting (Scenariomethods for watermanagement, management of soil, and spatial organization), Utrecht/Lelystad: Deltares/Rijkswaterstaat
- Foresight at Dutch national departments, with Alares Consultancy (2007-2008):
- Regeren is vooruitzien. Een exploratief onderzoek naar het gebruik van van toekomstverkenningen in strategie- strategie- en beleidsvormingsprocessen van ministeries’, Patrick van der Duin, Harry Kotey, Eelco Vreeling en Robert van Oirschot, Den Haag: Alares
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. van Oirschot, H. Kotey & E. Vreeling. (2009). To govern is to foresee. An exploratory study into the relationship between futures research and strategy and policy processes at Dutch Ministries, Futures, Vol.41, pp.607-618
- Project “ICT‐driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020” carried out by TNO, TU Delft and DTI in 2006 and commissioned by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) (2007-2008):
- Frissen, V., J. Millard, N. Huijboom, J. Svava Iversen, L. Kool, B. Kotterink, M. van Lieshout, M. Van Staden & P.A. van der Duin (2007). The future of eGovernment. An exploration of ICT-driven models of eGovernment for the EU in 2020. Sevile: JRC/IPTS, September 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der & N. Huijboom (2008). The futures of EU-based eGovernment: a scenario-based exploration, paper gepresenteerd op de HICSS – 41 conferentie op Hawaii, U.S.A.
- eGovRTD2020-project: scenarios on the future of eGovernment (2006-2007):
- Janssen, M., P. van der Duin, T. Monasso, M. Bicking & M. Wimmer (2006). Deliverable 2.1: Scenarios report (including regional workshops report), eGovRTD2020-consortium, project funded by the European Community, IST-Program
- Janssen, M., P.A. van der Duin, R. Wagenaar, M. Bicking, M. Wimmer, S. Dawes & R. Petrauskas (2007). Scenario building for E-Government in 2020: Consolidating the results from regional workshops, paper gepresenteerd tijdens de HICSS-40 conferentie in Hawaii, U.S.A., 3-6 januari 2007
- Janssen, M. A. Huizer, P.A. van der Duin & R.W. Wagenaar (2007). The results of a scenario building and road mapping workshop for e-Government in 2020, paper presented at the 7th European Conference on e-Government, Den Haag, 21-22 June 2007
- Kar, E. van de & P.A. van der Duin (2004). Dealing with Uncertainties in Building Scenarios for the Development of Mobile Services; In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; IEEE Computer Society; 5-8 January Big Island, Hawaii. ISBN 0-7695-2056-1; 11 pages
- ISI-Consortium: developing future scenarios for insurance consultants (2004-2007):
- Boekhoudt, P., H. ter Doest, & P.A. van der Duin, (2004). ISI Innovatiescenario’s (ISI Innovatiescenario’s). Enschede: Telematica Instituut, ISI project deliverable 1.4.1d
- Bouwman, H., H. ter Doest & P.A. van der Duin (2009). Developing new business models for intermediaries in the insurance sector, International Journal of Management Practice, Vol.3, No.3, pp.263-276
- MOBUS scenario-project on the insurance-industry with the Telematica-institute (2001-2002):
- Hille, S.C., F. Ebeling, G. van den Eijkel, P. Porskamp & P.A. van der Duin (2001). MOBUS uncertainties, scenarios and use-cases. Enschede: Telematics Institute, MOBUS project deliverable 2/3
- Ebeling, F., P.A. van der Duin & E. van de Kar (2002). Scenarios for mobile services in 2005. (in Dutch), Informatie & Informatiebeleid, 2002, No.1, pp.32-39
- Imagine21 (part of ESPRIT-IT-programme; project No.28.732) (1999-2001): Emerging software technologies for telecommunications service forecasting in the 21st century:
- Deliverable 1.1.1 Definition of a service model
- Deliverable 1.1.2 Definition of a user model
- Deliverable 1.1.3 Definition of a market and environment model
- Deliverable 2.2.2 Scenarios for Imagine21
- Duin, P.A. van der, P. Kandelaars & Raymond Kok (2000). Just Imagine – A marriage between forecasting and scenarios. Scenario & Strategy Planning, October 2000, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.8-11
- About 30 reports for KPN Research in the period 1996 to 2003. Topics include: future of telecommunication, product-development in the field of telecommunication, and communication needs of large companies.
Scientific conference presentations
- Duin, P.A. van der, P. Lodder en D. Snijders (2019). We are the people? Opinions, hopes and fears of Dutch citizens on future and technology. Presentation at ‘Constructing social futures’-conference in Turku, Finland, 13th June, 2019
- Duin, P.A. van der & D. Snijders (2018). How the Dutch shape their future.
Governmental planning agencies and advisory think tanks doing foresight in an increasingly uncertain world. Presentation at the ; Grappling with the future’-conference, Harvard/Boston University, Boston, U.S.A., April 29-30, 2018 - Duin, P.A. van der (2016). Towards quadruple helix?
Introducing the Cyclic Innovation Model. Presentation at the XIV International Triple Helix conference, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-27 September 2016 - Nenciu, G., P.A. van der Duin, M. Janssen, D. Snijders & J. Hulsteijn (2016). Future scenarios of data-driven smart cities. Paper presented virtually at the International Conference on the Perception of Future in Politics, Architecture and Film. Imagining the Future, Istanbul, September 2-3, 2016
- Duin, P.A. van der (2016). The art and science of foresight. Inside the crystal ball (?) Keynote to the 3rd International Conference on Time Perspective in Copenhagen, Denmark on August 16, 2016
- Bouten, R., P.A. van der Duin, V.E, Scholten and R. Verburg. (2016). In search of balance. Managing ambidexterity in a fast growing techno-SME, pp.345-363. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and regional Development. Responsible Entrepreneurship, vision, development and ethics. June 23-24, 2016, Bucharest, Romania edited by A. Zbuchea and D. Nikolaidis, June 23-24, 2016, Bucharest, Romania
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. Scheerder, R. Hoogerwerf & S. de Wilde (2015). The Dutch Horizon Scan 2050. Signaling and challenging the future. First conference on Anticipation, Trento, Italy, November 5-7, 2015
- Duin, P.A. van der, V. Marchau, L. van der Goes, J. Scheerder, R. Hoogerwerf & S. de Wilde (2015). Challenging the future. Implications of the Horizon Scan2050 for Dutch innovation policy. International Conference on Foresight, 22-25 June 2015, Athens, Greece
- Rijnders, M. & P. A. van der Duin (2015) Improving future scenario visualisation through transmedia storytelling. Paper presented at the World Conference of Futures Research 2015, 11–12 June 2015, Turku, Finland
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. Shulmeister (2014). Developing local policies for initiating and implementing creative-sector based cross-innovations: Findings from the Amsterdam-region, KIE-conference, Riga, Latvia, July 2014; published in: Creativity in Business, edited by F.K. Reisman, published by KIE Conference Book Series, pp. 212-225
- Duin, P.A. van der (2013). Managing cross-innovation. Realizing ‘Neue Kombinationen’ between the creative industry and other industries. MeetInnov-conference, November 19, Paris, France
- Graaf, R. de & P.A. van der Duin (2012). Collective innovation: a new approach for dealing with society induced challenges. The case of the Dutch bakery sector. 2nd International conference on leadership, technology and innovation management, October 11-13, Istanbul, Turkey
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. van de Linde (2012). Innovating for the future in Dutch companies, ISERC 2012, Orlando, U.S.A., May 12, 2012, ISBN 978-0-09837624-1-6
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. R. Ortt & W. Aarts (2011). Contextual innovation management contributing to lean development: the case of Philips Saving & Beauty, Euromot conference, p.430-446, Tampere, Finland
- Duin, P.A. van der & S. van ’t Klooster (2011). Recycling the future. Developing a meta-analysis for foresight. FTA-conference, 13-13 May 2011, Seville, Spain
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Sule & W. Bruggeman (2011). Deltas for the future. Lessons learned in a water innovation programme. ICID European Regional Conference, May 16-19, Groningen, the Netherlands
- Rijkens-Klomp. N. & P.A. van der Duin (2011). Evaluating local public foresight studies from a user perspective, FTA-conference, 13-13 May 2011, Seville, Spain
- Duin, P.A. van der. T. Heger & M. Schlesinger (2011). Exploring the use of futures research in innovation systems, FTA-conference, 13-13 May 2011, Seville, Spain
- Duin, P.A. van der (2010). Exploring managerial aspects of innovation systems. Assessing the ‘Functions of innovation systems’-approach and the Cyclic Innovation Model, ERSCP-EMSU-conference, October 25-28 2010, Delft, the Netherlands
- Sorge, E. van, P.A. van der Duin & P. Trott (2010). Entrepreneurs and the future. How do techno-starters look to the future to develop new business?, Security in futures-security in change-conference, June 3-4 2010, Turku, Finland
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. de Graaf & T. Langeler (2010). An expert based view on the decreased quality of the Dutch innovation system. Applying the ‘functions of innovation systems’-approach, IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, June 3-4 2010, Singapore
- Kamp, L. & P.A. van der Duin (2010). Analyzing the innovation system of wind turbine development 1973-2000 using the Cyclic Innovation Model, IAMOT-conference, March 2010, Cairo, Egypt
- Bacco, F. & P.A. van der Duin (2010). How to apply open innovation in a closed environment. The case of the Dutch Defense Intelligence and Security Service, IAMOT-conference, March 2010, Cairo, Egypt
- Graaf, R. de, P.A. van der Duin & T. Langeler (2009). Changing the innovation system in the Netherlands: an expert based view, paper gepresenteerd op de ICE-conferentie, Noordwijk/Leiden, 22 – 24 juni 2009
- Duin, P.A. van der & N. Huijboom (2008). The futures of EU-based eGovernment: a scenario-based exploration, paper gepresenteerd op de HICSS – 41 conferentie, Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Ortt, J.R. & P.A van der Duin (2007). Contextual innovation, paper gepresenteerd op de ECEI-conference in Utrecht, Nederland, 8 – 9 November, 2007
- Bouwman, W.A.G.A., M. Zhengjia, P.A. van der Duin & S. Limonard (2007). Business model for IPTV Service: a dynamic framework, 18e European Regional ITS Conference, Istanbul, Turkije, 2 – 5 September, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2007). Linking futures research with management science: improving innovation and strategy processes within companies, paper gepresenteerd op de Cost-A22 conferentie ‘From oracles to dialogue: exploring new ways to discover the future’, Athene, Griekenland, 9 – 11 juli 2007
- Janssen, M. A. Huizer, P.A. van der Duin & R.W. Wagenaar (2007). The results of a scenario building and road mapping workshop for e-Government in 2020, 7th European Conference on e-Government, Den Haag, 21-22 June 2007
- Janssen, M., P.A. van der Duin, R. Wagenaar, M. Bicking, M. Wimmer, S. Dawes & R. Petrauskas (2007). Scenario building for E-Government in 2020: Consolidating the results from regional workshops, paper gepresenteerd tijdens de HICSS-40 conferentie in Hawaii, U.S.A., 3-6 januari 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). The use of scenarios in innovation processes. Two case studies. Tweede Internationale Sevilla Seminar over Future-Oriented Technology Analysis: Impact of FTA Approaches on Policy
- Duin, P.A. van der Duin & I. Sabelis (2006). The future revisited. An application of lessons learned of past futures to the socio-cultural domain and innovation policy in the Netherlands. Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de Future Matters-conferentie in Cardiff, Wales op 4 september 2006
- Berkhout A.J. & P.A. van der Duin (2006). Innovating the regional innovation process. Paper gepresenteerd op de Changing foresight practices in regional development – Global pressures and regional possibilities-conference, Finland Futures Academy, 7-9 juni 2006, Turku, Finland
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). Innovating for the future. How Dutch SMEs use futures research in innovation processes. Paper gepresenteerd op de Changing foresight practices in regional development – Global pressures and regional possibilities-conference, Finland Futures Academy, 7-9 juni 2006, Turku, Finland
- A.J. Berkhout & P.A. van der Duin (2004). Mobile data innovation: Lucio and the Cyclic Innovation Model. Paper gepresenteerd tijdens de ICEC04 conferentie Towards a new services landscape, 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce, October 2004, Delft, the Netherlands
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Innovating for the future. Keynote presentatie op de EU-US Scientific Seminar ‘New technology foresight, forecasting & assessment methods’, georganiseerd door Europese Commissie Directoraat-Generaal Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, 13-14 mei 2004, Sevilla, Spanje
- Kar, E. van de & P.A. van der Duin (2004). Dealing with Uncertainties in Building Scenarios for the Development of Mobile Services; In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences; IEEE Computer Society; 5-8 January Big Island, Hawaii. ISBN 0-7695-2056-1; 11 pages.
Special Issues
- Journal ‘Water Governance’, 03/2019, issue on ‘Dealing with the future’ (‘Omgaan met de toekomst’)
- Duin, P.A. van der, M. Kleinsmann & R. Valkenburg (2014). Exploring a design-driven approach as a way to enable networked innovation. International Journal of Innovation and technology Management, Vol.11, No. 1 (January 2014)
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. van der Steen (2012). Looking back on looking forward, Futures, vol.44
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt & H. Stavleu (2007). Minding the gap: previewing the potential of breakthrough technologies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol.74, Issue 9
- Berkhout, A.J., P.A. van der Duin, L. Hartmann & J.R. Ortt (2006). Innovation at the interface between science and business. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.34, Issue 3/4
- Duin, P.A. van der & S.W.Y Un (2002). Mobile Internet. Trends in Communication, Issue 9, 2002
- Bookchapters
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Innovating for the future, pp.70-82, in: Thinking creatively in turbulent times, edited by H.F. Didsbury Jr., Bethesda: World Future Society
- Duin, P.A. van der & W.A.G.A. Bouwman (2004). Massamedia, informatie en communicatie. (Massmedia, information, and communication), pp.97-106. In: Vijfentwintig jaar later. De toekomstverkenning van de WRR uit 1977 als leerproces. (Twenty-five years later. The future study of the WRR from 1977 as a learning process). Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & I.J Schoonenboom (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der & C.A. Hazeu (2004). De toekomst in het licht van nu. (The future in present daylight). In: Vijfentwintig jaar later. De toekomstverkenning van de WRR uit 1977 als leerproces. (Twenty-five years later. The future study of the WRR from 1977 as a learning process), pp.193-202. Duin, P.A. van der, C.A. Hazeu, P. Rademaker & I.J Schoonenboom (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der, J.R. Ortt, L. Hartmann & A.J. Berkhout (2005). Innovation in context. From R&D management to innovation in networks, pp.227-247. In: Managing Technology and Innovation: An Introduction, R. Verburg, J.R. Ortt & W. Dicken. London/New York: Routledge
- Duin, P.A. van der, D. Hartmann & R. Ortt (2006). Innoveren in nieuwe tijden (Innovation in new times). In: Open stellingen. Essays over Open innovatie (Open propositions. Essays on Open innovation). Den Haag: AWT
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). Jan Schoonenboom: een realistische toekomstonderzoeker (Jan Schoonenboom: a realistic futures researcher) in: Laten we wel wezen… (Let’s be fair…), W. Asbeek Brusse, W.B.H.J. van de Donk & J.C.I. de Pree (ed.), Den Haag: WRR
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Innovating for the future: a cyclic perspective, in: The conceptual approach of understanding. A commemoration for A.J. Berkhout, J.T. Fokkema, D. Hartmann, A. Mehlkopf & D.J. Verschuur (ed.), Delft
- Graaf, R., E. den Ouden & P.A. van der Duin (2007). Een vogelvlucht langs 50 nederinnovaties uit de 21e eeuw (A bird’s-eye view on fifty Dutch innovations). In: Goed nieuws uit Nederland. Vijftig inspirerende innovaties (Good news from the Netherlands. Fifty inspiring innovations), Patrick van der Duin, Elke den Ouden, Rob de Graaf, Bert van Haastrecht, Marlies de Koning & Ton Langeler (red.), Delft: PDMA-NL
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Futures research and science: introduction, in: Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, edited by Patrick van der Duin, Delft: Eburon
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2007). Managing the future, in: Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, edited by Patrick van der Duin, Delft: Eburon
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Futures research and science: summary and afterthoughts, in: Knowing tomorrow? How science deals with the future, edited by Patrick van der Duin, Delft: Eburon
- Bouwman, H., M. Zhengjia, P.A. van der Duin & S. Limonard (2008). Robustness of IPTV business models. In: Mobile service innovation and business models, edited by H. Bouwman, H, de Vos & T. Haaker, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer
- Duin, P.A. van der. The Dutch innovation system: raising the lowland? In: Encyclopedia of technology and innovation management, edited by V.K. Narayanan and Gina O’Connor, Chichester: Wiley, 2010
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. den Hartigh (2011). Keeping the balance: exploring the link of futures research with innovation and strategy processes, in: Foresight for dynamic organisations in unstable environments. A search for new frameworks, edited by S. Mendonça and B. Sapio, Routledge
- Duin, P.A. van der (2011). Innovation processes are not projects. In: Innopreneur. 101 Chronicles on how circumstance, preparation and brilliance advance innovation, pp.54-55, edited by Ton Langeler, New York: Channel V Books
- Duin, P.A. van der (2012). Inleiding. In: Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken, pp.1-13, geredigeerd door Patrick van der Duin, Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Duin, P.A. van der (2012). Trendanalyse. In: Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken, pp.41-60, geredigeerd door Patrick van der Duin, Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Klooster, Susan van ‘t & P.A. van der Duin (2012). De toekomst gerecycled: een meta-analyse voor toekomstonderzoek. In: Toekomstonderzoek voor organisaties. Handboek methoden en technieken, pp.219-225, geredigeerd door Patrick van der Duin, Assen: Uitgeverij Van Gorcum
- Duin, P.A. van der. The Dutch innovation system: raising the lowland? In: Encyclopedia of technology and innovation management Vol.13, edited by V.K. Narayanan and Gina O’Connor, Chichester: Wiley, 2014 (updated version), Online ISBN: 9781118785317
- Duin, P.A. van der (2016). Andere tijden. In: Verassende vergezichten. Toekomstvisies van professional future strategist (Scouting the future), pp.31-34, edited by Jan Nekkers, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Digitalis
- P.A. van der Duin en S. den Hartog (2018). Disruptive futures: Prospects for breakthrough technologies, pp.315-350, in: Agriculture & Food Systems to 2050, edited by R. Serraj & P. Pangali. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing
- Duin, P.A. van der en D. Snijders (2018). Inleiding. In: Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de Nederlandse overheid, geredigeerd door P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der en D. Snijders (2018). Toekomstkijken in de breedte: de Horizonscan 2050 van STT. In: Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de Nederlandse overheid, geredigeerd door P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der en D. Snijders (2018). Uitleiding. In: Met de kennis van morgen. Toekomstverkennen voor de Nederlandse overheid, geredigeerd door P.A. van der Duin en D. Snijders. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press
- Duin, P.A. van der en A. Ligtvoet (2019). Defending the Delta: Practices of foresight at Dutch infrastructure providers, pp.71-90. In: Futures thinking and organizational policy. Case studies for managing rapid change in technology, globalization and workforce diversity, edited by D.A. Schreiber and Z. L Berge, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
- Patrick van der Duin (2019). Een pleidooi voor onzekerheid. pp.93-99, In: De toekomst van Sociale Zekerheid en integratie. Afscheidsbundel Bernard ter Haar. Den Haag: Ministerie van Sociale Zekerheid en Werkgelegenheid
- Duin, P.A. van der en P. Lodder (2019). De toekomst is ook maar een mening. pp. 35-46, In: STAD 2019: technische en sociale innovatie. Den Haag: Publicatiereeks Overheid & Arbeid, nummer 50
- Duin, P.A. van der and H. Stavleu (2021). Exploring new normal futures. How might social and psychological factors shape the new normal of post-pandemic society? pp.127-131 In: Aftershocks and Opportunities 2. Navigating the next horizon, edited by R. Talwar, S. Wells and A. Whittington, United Kingdom: Fast Future Publishing
Business publications
- Abeln, M. & P.A. van der Duin (1998). Kijken naar de toekomst (Looking at the future), Eye, December 1998, pp.10-11
- Un, Stefanie & Patrick van der Duin (1998). Uitzien naar de toekomst (Looking forward to the future), Tijdschrift voor marketing (Marketing Magazine), December 1, 1998
- Duin, P.A. van der & E. Mante (1999/2000). Scenario Best Practice. Scenario & Strategy Planning, December 1999/January 2000, Vol.1, Issue 5, pp.7-9
- Duin, P.A. van der, C. Smits & G.J. Valk (2000). Combining qualitative and quantitative scenario building: the best of both worlds. Scenario & Strategy Planning, February 2000, pp.4-7
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Destination 2005. Scenario & Strategy Planning, April/May 2000, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.22-25
- Drop, R., J. Dijkhuis P.A. van der Duin & Hans Stavleu (2000). Bestemming 2005: corporate scenario’s voor KPN. KPN studieblad, April/May 2000, pp.204-221
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Your say: Money well spent (column), Scenario & Strategy Planning, June/July 2000, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp.27-28
- Un, S., R. Bonnier & P.A. van der Duin (2000). Online shopping: the trend matters. (in Dutch), Eye, July 2000
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Uncertainty has the Future (in Dutch), column for KPN magazine ‘Telescope’, September 2000
- Un, S. & P.A. van der Duin (2000). Consumer in Contro. (in Dutch), Eye, September 2000
- Duin, P.A. van der, P. Kandelaars & Raymond Kok (2000). Just Imagine – A marriage between forecasting and scenarios. Scenario & Strategy Planning, October 2000, Vol.2, Issue 4, pp.8-11
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Uncertainty has the future. Corporate scenarios within KPN. Journal of the Institution of British Telecommunication Engineers, december 2000
- Duin, P.A. van der (2001). Scenario planning and KM, contribution to ‘Your say’ a column edited by S. Lelic, Scenario & Strategy Planning, Vol.2, Issue 6, February/March 2001, pp.26-28
- Duin, P.A. van der, J. Dijkhuis & R. Ortt (2001). Event-analysis: how to assess the vulnerability of your organisation. Scenario & Strategy Planning, Vol.3., July/August 2001, pp.8-11
- Ebeling, F., P.A. van der Duin & E. van de Kar (2002). Scenarios for mobile services in 2005. (in Dutch), Informatie & Informatiebeleid, 2002, No.1, pp.32-39
- Duin, P.A. van der (2002). Riding the waves of economic and technological growth. FITCE Forum, 2002, pp.7-9
- Duin, P.A. van der (2002). Environmental scenarios, contribution to ‘Your say’, a column edited by A. Scott, Scenario & Strategy Planning, Vol.3, Issue 6, March/April, pp.4-8
- Duin, P.A. van der (2003). Innoveren voor de toekomst (Innovating for the future). Contribution to the ‘ToekomstWijzer 2010’, published by Syntens NT, February 2003
- Ortt, R., P.A. van der Duin & H. Stavleu (2003). Toekomstonderzoek? Een proces van trial en error’ (‘Futures research? A proces of trial-and-error!’). Product – magazine for product development, Vol.11, No.4, July 2003, pp.20-23
- Duin, P.A. van der, R. Ortt & Hans Stavleu (2003). Scenario’s en innovatie (Scenarios and innovation), Product – magazine for product development, Vol.11, No.5, September 2003, pp.13-19
- Stavleu, H., P.A. van der Duin & R. Ortt (2003). De zes B’s van toekomstonderzoek (The six B’s of futures research). Product – magazine for product development, Vol.11, No.6, November 2003, pp.40-42
- Berkhout, A.J. & P.A. van der Duin (2005). Innoveren: schaken op vier borden tegelijk (Innovation: playing chess at four chessboards at the same time). Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkeling, Vol. 13, no.5, pp.35-37
- Duin, P.A. van der & M. Kok (2005). CIM in actie: het thixomolding-cluster (CIM in action: the thixomolding-cluster). Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkeling, Vol. 13, no. 6, pp.32-34
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Stavleu (2006). Tijd voor toekomstkunde (Time for futures research), Over Morgen, a publication by Boer & Croon, December 2006, Vol. 7, no.2, pp.82-85
- Ortt, J.R. & P.A. van der Duin (2007). Contextuele innovatie I, Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkelaars, Vol.15, No.5, September 2007, pp.28-30
- Duin, P.A. van der & J.R. Ortt (2007). Contextuele innovatie II. Product – tijdschrift voor productontwikkelaars, Vol.15, No.6, November 2007, pp.24-26
- Duin, Patrick van der, (2008). Hypes hebben de toekomst (hypes have the future). Delta, magazine Delft Universiy of Technology, volume 40, number 20
- Duin, Patrick van der, Robert van Oirschot, Hary Kotey & Eelco Vreeling (2008). Regeren is niet altijd vooruitzien (To govern is not always to foresee), Delta, universiteitsblad TU Delft, volume 40, number 26
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Wetenschap is geen geloof (Science is not religion), Delta, volume 41, nr.11, p.4
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Koester je toekomst (Cherish your future), Delta, volume 41, nr.13, p.2
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Het berenvel kon beter (The bear skin could be improved) , HP/De Tijd, March 27, 2009, week 13, pp.40-41
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Wetenschap is geen geloof (2) (Science is not religion (2)), Delta online, volume 41, nr. 14
- Duin, P.A. van der (2010). Het succes van de Noord/Zuidlijn (The success of the North-South subway), Delta, volume 42, no.28
- Duin, P.A. van der (2015). Innovation: a necessary luxury, BOSS Magazine, March 2015, pp.57-60
- Duin, P.A. van der (2015). Separation of science and religion is good for all of us. Delta, Volume 13, March 16, 2015, p.26
- Duin, P.A. van der & Liselotte van Beusekom (2017). Zelfportret toekomstverkennen. NGinfra magazine, no.1, March 2017, pp. 12-17
- Patrick van der Duin (2019). De robots komen! Of nog niet? In: HR on topic, De Haagse Hogeschool, pp.22-24
Business conference presentations
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Scenarios as a part of future studies within KPN. Conference ‘Scenarios 2000: working with the future today’, Amsterdam, ArkGroup
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). ICT in scenarios. Conference ‘Trends, prognoses and scenarios’, Zeist, Infocare
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Internet Masterclass: developing vision. Conference ‘Civil Society’, Ede,
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Uncertainty has the Future: corporate scenarios within KPN. FITCE, 39th European Telecommunications Congress, Shannonside Ireland (repeated in March 2001)
- Duin, P.A. van der (2000). Examining the advantages and challenges of integrating key telecom forecasting technologies with scenario-based forecasting techniques. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting 2000, London
- Duin, P.A. van der (2001). The future of mobile Internet?! Asking the right questions (instead of giving wrong answers). IQPC conference, London
- Duin, P.A. van der & R. Kok (2001). Truth versus precision. How to combine quantitative and qualitative forecasting. IIR conference Forecasting in Telecom, Brussels
- Duin, P.A. van der (2001). Lijnen naar de toekomst. Telecommunicatie in perspectief’ (Lines into the Future. Telecommunication in perspective). Stress Conference, Technical University of Twente, Enschede
- Kok, R. & P.A. van der Duin (2002). KPN case study update from 2001: examining the different models and corporate scenarios developed for KPN which optimise qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting Conference 2002, Prague
- Duin, P.A. van der & R. Kok (2002). Examining how KPN is using futures research in innovation policies and processes. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting Conference 2002, Prague.
- Duin, P.A. van der (2003). Scenarios and forecasting: living apart together. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting 2003, Vienna
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Linking (telco) forecasting to innovation management. Putting forecasting into context. IIR Telecoms Market Forecasting 2004, Prague
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Innovating for the future. A selection of preliminary findings and some possible future directions. World Future Society-conference 2004, Washington, U.S.A.
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Technology futures analysis: the road ahead. Forum-presentation together with Hal Linstone, Alan Porter & Guenter Clar, World Future Society-conference 2004, Washington, U.S.A.
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Mind the gap. Linking (telco) forecasting to innovation management. Expert Dialogues: Adjusting to the needs of the telecommunication sector, expert-meeting International Telecommunication Union together with the International Institute of Forecasters, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-26 October 2004
- Newspaper articles
- Patrick van der Duin (2023). Tekort aan technologische kennis bij politici is een risico, Trouw, 14 januari 2023
- Snijders, D. & P.A. van der Duin (2016). Kweekvlees, Big Data – Politiek spreek je uit, NRC Handelsblad, September 27, 2016
- Duin, P.A. van der (2015). Laat de wetenschapper met rust (Leave the scientist alone), De Volkskrant, January 6, 2015
- Stavleu, Hans & Patrick van der Duin (2011). Twitter, een revolutionaire babbelbox (Twitter, a revolutionairy ‘babbelbox’), Trouw, April 2, 2011
- Duin, P.A. van der (2010). Noord-Zuidlijn dreigt succes te worden (The North-South subway might even become a success), De Volkskrant, August 30, 2010
- Stavleu, Hans & Patrick van der Duin (2009). Opnieuw was Twitter de eerste (Once more Twitter came in first), Trouw, May 2, 2009
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Ajax heeft verkeerd ‘business-model’ (Ajax has a wrong ‘business-model’), Het Parool, December 6, 2008
- Duin, Patrick van der, Robert van Oirschot, Harry Kotey & Eelco Vreeling (2008). Politiek, durf grenzen te verleggen (Politicians, dare to push your limits), Het Financieele Dagblad, September 1, 2008
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Nederland heeft teveel verleden (The Netherlands has too much history) , De Volkskrant, 16 juni 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Van de geschiedenis valt niet te leren (History doesn’t teach us anything), De Gelderlander, January 25, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der (2007). Ongeloof is geen geloof (Unbelief is not a belief), Nederlands Dagblad, January 9, 2007
- Duin, P.A. van der & H. Stavleu (2005). We moeten niet leren van het verleden maar van de toekomst (We should not learn from the past but from the future). NRC Handelsblad, September 17, 2005
- Duin, P.A. van der (2005). Weg met de historie, leve de toekomst (Away with history, long live the future). Het Parool, January 13, 2005
- Hazeu, C.A. & P.A. van der Duin (2004). Vooruitkijken is pas werkelijk goed regeren (Looking ahead is to really govern). GPD-bladen, October 2004
- Duin, P.A. van der (2004). Geschiedenis biedt geen les voor later (History does not offer any lessons for later). De Volkskrant, January 27, 2004
Columns for Delta, magazine of Delft University of Technology
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Meetbare wetenschap (Measurable science). Column for Delta, March 15, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Uren schrijven (Hours registration). Column for Delta, April 26, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Geld verdienen (Making money). Column for Delta, June 7, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Mentaliteit (Mentality). Column for Delta, July 5, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Voetbalshirtjes (Football shirts). Column for Delta, September 13 september, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Loyaliteit (Loyalty). Column for Delta, Oktober 11, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Professionaliteit (Professionalism). Column for Delta, November 15, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). MOTIVation (MOTIVatie). Column for Delta, December 13, 2007
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Scheiden (To divorce). Delta, jaargang 40, nr.3
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Persoonlijke utopieën (Personal utopias). Column in de Delta, jaargang 40, nr.7
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Woorden (Words). Column for Delta, vol.40, nr.11
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Minderwaardigheidscomplex (Inferriority complex). Column in Delta, jaargang 40, nummer 15
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Geduld (Patience). Column for Delta, vol.40, nr.19
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Rankings. Column for Delta, vol. 40, nr.23
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). (Expertise) Expertise. Column for Delta, volume 40, nr.27
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Crisis (Crisis). Column for Delta, volume 40, nr.31
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). ZZP’ers (Independent workers). Column for Delta, volume 40, nr.35
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Geldstromen (Moneystreams). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.4
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Corruptie (Corruption). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.8
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Schuldig (Guilty). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.12
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Onafhankelijkheid (Independence). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.16
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Samenzijn (Togetherness). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.20
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Vakantiegevoel (Holiday feeling). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.24
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Fuseren (To merge). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.28
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Prettige chaos (happy chaos). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.32
- Duin, Patrick van der (2009). Wereldberoemd (Worldfamous). Column for Delta, volume 41, nr.36
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Norm (Norm). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.1
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Zorgen (Worries). Column in de Delta, volume 42, nr.5
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Rommel (Garbage). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.9
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Buiten (Outside). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.13
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Meer geld verdienen (Making more money), Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.17
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Business model (Business model). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.22
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Kwaliteit (Quality). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr. 26
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Perspectief (Perspective). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr. 30
- Duin, Patrick van der (2010). Professor’s diners (Hooglerarendiners). Column for Delta, volume 42, nr.42
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Subsidized monkey rock (Gesubsidieerde apenrots). Column for Delta, volume 43, no.1
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). To graduate (Afstuderen). Column for Delta, volume 43, no.5
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Without professors (Zonder professoren). Delta, volume 43, no.9
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Skill (Kunde). Delta, volume 43, no.13
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Achterklap (Backbiting), Delta, volume 13, no.17
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Innovatiebeleid (Innovation policy), Delta, volume 43, no.21
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Onbestaanbaar (Non-existing), Delta, volume 43, no.25
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Experiment (Experiment), Delta, volume 43, no.29
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Waarschuwing (Warning), Delta, jaargang 43, no.33
- Duin, Patrick van der (2011). Positieve discriminatie (Positive discrimination), Delta, volume 44, no.1
- Duin, Patrick van der (2012). Toren (Tower), volume 44, no.5
- Duin, Patrick van der (2012). Skipiste (Skislope), Delta, volume 44, no.9
Other publications
- Duin, P.A. van der (2003). De onvermijdelijke toekomst (The unavoidable future). Helix – faculty journal of Biology of the University of Groningen, volume 18, number 1, pp.4-5. Published also as a foreword to the conference papers of ‘Future Biology’, organised by the University of Groningen on October the 1st and 2nd, 2003
- Duin, P.A. van der (2006). The active attitude of Filip De Roeck and his art. Contribution to the catalogue of Catalyst (exhibition), August 2006, Amsterdam
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Between shrinkage and cramp, column for the Dutch Union of Architects,
- Duin, Patrick van der (2007). Een slimme student is op zijn toekomst voorbereid (A smart student is preparing for its future), foreword annual book students council Cleopatra, RUG
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). Antwoorden in de toekomst (Answers in the future),, July 2008
- Duin, Patrick van der (2008). De toekomst is weer een stukje dichter bij (Once again the future is a bit closer). Review of The handbook of technology foresight, De Ingenieur (The Engineer), volume 120, number 13, September 5, p.74