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Ik ben Patrick van der Duin en ik houd mij bezig met de vraag: waarmee verdienen bedrijven in de toekomst hun geld? En bij overheid- of semi-overheidsorganisaties: waarover maken zij in de toekomst beleid?
Bij het beantwoorden van deze vragen gaat het mij niet alleen over inhoud van de ‘new business’ of van het nieuwe beleid, maar vooral over hoe organisaties dat aanpakken. Hierbij staan twee onderwerpen centraal: toekomstonderzoek en innovatiemanagement. Toekomstonderzoek gaat over het verkennen van mogelijke toekomsten die relevant zijn voor de organisatie.
Innovatiemanagement gaat over hoe organisaties nieuwe producten, diensten en beleid ontwikkelen.
Toekomstonderzoek en innovatiemanagement liggen in elkaars verlengde. Toekomstonderzoek is een input voor innovatieprocessen, en innovatieprocessen brengen de organisatie naar de toekomst

Patrick van der Duin
06-20411373 / +31(6)20411373

My name is Patrick van der Duin and I am concerned with the question: how will companies earn their money in the future? And in government or semi-government organisations: what will they make policy about in the future?

In answering these questions, I am not only concerned with the content of the ‘new business’ or of the new policy, but above all with how organizations approach this. Two topics are central to this: foresight and innovation management. Foresight is about exploring possible futures that are relevant to the organization.

Innovation management is about how organizations develop new products, services and policies.

Foresight and innovation management are an extension of each other. Foresight is an input for innovation processes, and innovation processes bring the organization into the future.

Macro-economics/political economy at the University of Amsterdam:

Courses: a.o. political economy, economical sociology, welfare theory, history of
economic thought, economical history, history of philosophy of science, economical
geography, regional economics, macroeconomics.

Master thesis (supervised by prof.dr. J.W. de Beus): De maakbaarheid van de samenleving

Working experience:

  • September 2022- : Self employed at ‘Foresight & Innovation Management’
  • September 2022 – September 2023 : Research associate at EDHEC (Lille, France)
  • April – June 2022: Visiting scholar at Portsmouth University
  • 2016 – 2022: Managing Director of the Netherlands Study Center for Technology Trends
  • 2013- 2017: Associate Professor (Lector) Futures Research & Trendwatching at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries
  • 2006 – 2017: Assistant professor at Delf University of Technology, faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
  • 2001 – 2006: Research fellow Delft University of Technology (DUT), faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM); PhD obtained in 2006
  • 1996 – 2002: Researcher, project manager and manager of a subdepartment at KPN Research, department ‘Institute for Applied Research’.